Most brokers have a very bad record of calling every few hours to check on the load progress. This is extremely annoying and can be a source of tension for the driver. Drivers do not need this additional stress while driving or sleeping.

Brokers think that they have the right to demand the drivers phone number, as if they are in control of the carrier, its truck and employees just because they are brokering a load to the carrier. Remember, this is for the privileges of performing for close to or lower than cost. No thank you.


Example 1#

Prior to 2020, Eagle Express enjoyed regular loads of new forklifts out of Toyota Material Handling in Indiana. Fitzmark Logistics secured the contract and reached out to us because we performed flawlessly. They insisted on having our drivers numbers in an excel sheet promising NEVER to call. If you will NEVER call, then you do not need the numbers. Eagle Express refused and did not perform another of these loads.


Direct Customers do not bug you for location updates.

Direct customers do not bug you to submit paperwork within 24 hours.

Direct customers do not have deductions schedules or statements.

Direct customers never insist on having the drivers phone number.


Time to put this to bed. Brokers do not need to exist. There is no reason for them. They have wedged themselves in and the truth is that if they have no trucks willing to haul for them, then they will cease to exist.