If you are a carier then you know that brokers take andand take and give nothing back to the industry. The trucking industry is in need of assistance that can be provided by the money that Carriers bring. 

Our unity will place carriers in a VERY POWERFUL position to make demands. No more convoys to washington asking for . . . .nothing. OODCCO already has a list of things that it will demand and things that it will do to fix the problems that plaugue truckers every day. WE, OODCCO and YOU will make these changes and , once again, bring this industry back to what it should be.

One example of the Washington BS was perfectly stated by OOIDA President “The continued delay is BS — transparency has been required since 1980,” said OOIDA President Todd Spencer, when asked to comment.

We agree, why have meetings to discuss laws that are being ignored. How can you test the effect of the laws without first enforcing them to test the effectiveness of enforcement on compliance. Washington takes too long. United, we don't have to beg because brokers will not exist.